With a tight labor market and low unemployment, companies must reduce their time-to-hire rates. For employers, that means examining every step of the hiring journey to ensure that the pre-employment processes, like drug screening, respect the candidatesโ€™ privacy and comply with state and local laws. Since laws and guidelines are frequently evolving, itโ€™s a great time to revisit your pre-employment drug screening program to ensure itโ€™s compliant, transparent, and efficient. 

Pre-employment drug screening fosters a secure and efficient work atmosphere for numerous sectors and companies and offers many benefits, including:

  • Improve safety standards: Conducting pre-employment and regular drug tests safeguards employees’ and customers’ safety, promoting a safe workplace and environment. 
  • Adhere to regulations: Screening programs help companies comply with industry-specific laws and regulations, which helps mitigate risk and employer liability.
  • Save money: Implementing screening programs can help establish and enforce your drug-free workplace. Reducing work-related accidents and injuries from alcohol or drug usage can help companies save on expenses, including workers’ compensation.

Building a fair pre-employment drug screening program while mitigating risk

When reviewing your pre-employment drug screening program, here are three areas you should consider so the program is fair to candidates and employees while mitigating risk. 

  1. Legal Considerations: Before initiating a drug screening program, companies must understand their jurisdiction’s legal framework surrounding drug screening. Laws and regulations vary between states and municipalities. Companies should research and comply with relevant legislation, including consent and confidentiality guidelines, and execute adverse actions based on test results. 
  2. Comprehensive Policy: The key to a successful screening program is a well-designed policy. Companies should communicate their commitment to workplace safety to candidates and employees. The policy should define the scope and frequency of drug screening, outline prohibited substances, and establish specimen collection, screening, and result interpretation procedures. 
  3. Communication and Education: Companies should communicate the objectives, procedures, and consequences of drug screening to both existing employees and potential candidates. By fostering a culture of transparency and understanding, employees will be more likely to embrace the program, recognize its significance in promoting workplace safety, and understand the potential impact of drug use on productivity, safety, and overall performance. Likewise, candidates will understand the expectations of their potential employer, making them more likely to complete their pre-employment requirements quickly. After all, the goal is to reduce the time-to-hire rate and hire the best-fit candidates for your open roles in this competitive market.

A pre-employment drug screening program can be valuable for companies seeking to maintain a safe and productive work environment. By understanding the legal landscape, designing a comprehensive policy, and promoting effective communication and education, companies can ensure the success and effectiveness of their screening program. Ultimately, a well-executed drug screening initiative can contribute to a safer, healthier, and more productive workforce, benefiting both the employees and the company.

If youโ€™re looking for a fresh approach to pre-employment screening, InCheck can help. Please contact us for a free consultation.

Disclaimer: This blog is for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice.

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