Privacy Policy Information for InCheck, Inc.

Consumer Reporting and Background Screening Information

As a consumer reporting agency governed by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and other applicable state and federal laws, InCheck, Inc. (โ€œInCheckโ€) is committed to protecting your right to privacy.

This Privacy Policy covers InCheckโ€™s practices and policies regarding the receipt, storage, and use of โ€œPersonally Identifiable Information.โ€ This policy also covers the receipt of certain information through InCheckโ€™s public website and otherwise.

All information obtained by InCheck will be collected, stored, and used in compliance with applicable laws, including the FCRA.

Information Collection For Background Screening Purposes

InCheck will only collect โ€œPersonally Identifiable Informationโ€ about you if you voluntarily choose to provide such information to InCheck and/or in connection with a background check authorized by you and/or applicable laws. โ€œPersonally Identifiable Informationโ€ that InCheck may collect about you through our website or otherwise may include, but is not limited, to: name, address, email address, phone number, date of birth, birthplace, driverโ€™s license number, social security number, employer, employment details, and information regarding prior criminal proceedings, civil proceedings, or credit activities.

Use of Information

Where InCheck requests โ€œPersonally Identifiable Informationโ€ from you, it will inform you about the purpose for collecting that information at the time of collection, and the information will be used only in the manner specified by InCheck when it is collected, unless you consent to another use.

If you have provided โ€œPersonally Identifiable Informationโ€ to InCheck in connection with a background screen ordered by a client of InCheck, InCheck may use such information to conduct a background screen for that client. InCheck will verify that its client has provided the necessary certification under the FCRA and/or other applicable law prior to using your information to conduct a background screen. Such certification will include a statement that InCheckโ€™s client has a legally permissible purpose for ordering the background screen and that it has, where appropriate under applicable law, obtained your informed consent to conduct the background screen.

Personal Information Disclosure: United States or Overseas

InCheck will not disclose your personal information to a third party, except in accordance with applicable laws.

Typically, InCheck will only disclose personal information regarding the subject of a background check to a third party in the following situations:

  • To an employer or prospective employer who has been authorized by the consumer to receive information about him or her.
  • To a landlord or property owner who has been authorized by the consumer to receive information about him or her.
  • To a third-party representative or subcontractor of InCheck to assist in the background screening investigation (e.g. providers that support or host this website or otherwise provide technical assistance, as well as court researchers and other service vendors).
  • As otherwise required by law.
  • Where InCheck transfers personal information to a representative or third-party subcontractor assisting with a background check, InCheck provides only the information required to assist with the background check.

InCheck prohibits such third-party representatives and subcontractors from using consumer information for any purpose other than assisting InCheck with the background check. InCheck also contractually requires such third-party representatives and subcontractors to maintain commercially reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of consumer information they receive.

Generally, InCheck does not transfer information to third parties outside of the United States or its territories. Such transfers would be done if necessary to complete an international background check (e.g., conducting an international criminal check or verifying educational or employment records outside of the U.S.).

If InCheck or its assets are acquired by another company, that company will assume responsibility for the personal information collected by InCheck through the website, and it will assume the rights and obligations regarding the collection and use of such information, as described in this Privacy Policy. InCheck will not permit another business in such a circumstance to review or examine the information InCheck has collected without a confidentiality agreement in place and only to the extent required by law.

Data Security

InCheck utilizes Secure Socket Layer (SSL) data encryption when data is transmitted over the Internet to the website. InCheck also utilizes layered firewalls and other security technologies to prevent unauthorized access. InCheck also has other administrative, technical, and physical safeguards in place designed to protect the information that InCheck collects from you through the website. Access to โ€œPersonally Identifiable Informationโ€ is limited to those InCheck employees who need access in order to carry out their job responsibilities.

When data is ready to be destroyed or disposed of, InCheck will follow all applicable laws and regulations and take measures to ensure that all such records and data are destroyed and unrecoverable.

Access to certain portions of InCheckโ€™s website is restricted to InCheckโ€™s clients only, and requires a user login and password. On these web pages, InCheck collects only information that the client voluntarily provides to InCheck, such as the information requested on a new client application form. This information is used for internal purposes only or as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy.

Privacy Policy