Our Story

Our service-first, people-focused promise to our clients and their candidates makes us one of the best background check companies.

Our Company

Weโ€™ve built a company founded on teamwork

Our company wasn’t born in a board room; it was born on a little league field. Our co-founders, Andy Gallion and Adam Kiehl, were childhood baseball teammates in Southeastern Wisconsin. Over the years, their friendship grew, and in 2002, Andy and Adam realized their dream of creating a friendly, collaborative organization that took a service-first mindset to help companies hire more confidently.

Now, over twenty years later, our commitment to serving others remains unwavering, and our personalized approach sets us apart. We like to say we’re a customer service company that brings a human touch to the screening industry. We invite you to experience the InCheck difference yourself.

Adam Kiehl and Andy Gallion Founders of InCheck
Jen Headshot

The work we do as an organization is tied to a greater purpose. We play a vital role in the talent acquisition process by helping our clients hire the right fit for their organizations and ultimately helping candidates secure jobs.

Jen Waite, Chief Operating Officer

Our Promise

We strive to create unrivaled experiences for our clients and their candidates.

Our commitment to going above and beyond embodies every request we receive, report we process, and interaction with our clients and their candidates. We see ourselves as relationship-builders, problem-solvers, and solution-providers, creating a customer experience thatโ€™s rare in our industry. From our tailored solutions to our highly-responsive customer service to our wrap-around candidate support, we promise to provide an exceptional, unrivaled experience.

Our Honors

Weโ€™re recognized as an award-winning organization with a
great work environment and an exciting future.

InCheck-Biz Times Media Future 50
InCheck- The Fire Awards
InCheck-HRO Today
InCheck-Milwaukee's Best and Brightest Companies to work for

Reflecting on our milestone 20 years of service, we celebrate our longevity, growth, and impact now and for years to come.

Our Values

More than words on a page, our values capture our shared beliefs,
creating an enduring InCheck culture.

  • Perseverance

    We act in the best interest of our clients and their candidates; even when it may seem difficult to succeed, we believe in our ability to turn obstacles into opportunities.

  • Respect

    In every communication, we will consider the viewpoints of others without judgment, assume positive intent, and recognize the value of divergent perspectives.

  • Integrity

    We do what is right versus what is fun, easy, and comfortable. We act with honesty, follow through on our commitments, and hold ourselves accountable, even when we fall short.

  • Diversity

    We believe that diversity is a state of mind that embraces respectful conflict, keeps an open mind, and ensures that all voices are heard in order to foster a culture of inclusion and belonging.

  • Excellence

    We believe excellence will be the result of living out our core values, investing in the growth and development of others, and working collaboratively for the greater good of our clients, their candidates, and our fellow employees.