As I write my first annual โ€œGiving Thanksโ€ memoโ€”a tradition InCheckโ€™s former CEO, Andy Gallion, began in 2020โ€”I am filled with gratitude for what has been and what is to come. During this reflective time of year, I like to think back on what went well, where I could have done better, and how I want to improve in the coming year.

On both a personal and professional level, this has been a year of tremendous growth. I say this figuratively as well as literally, at 35 weeks pregnant! Iโ€™ve been navigating my new role as InCheckโ€™s CEO while preparing for motherhood. This has been a challenging time of firsts, but as with all challenges therein lies an opportunity, and I know this experience will make me a better leader.

This experience parallels the focus weโ€™ve had on personal and professional development across all levels of our organization this year.It was our vision to give all team members the opportunity to go through a DISC assessment and build a developmental focus summary with a professional coach and their manager. It takes courage to step into these conversations, to build on our strengths, and continue to develop ourselves as individuals and as professionalsโ€”I am proud of our teams for the work weโ€™ve done. While personal and professional development is a lifelong journey, I am confident that we are heading into 2024 with a strong group of talented professionals who can accomplish any objective and overcome any challenge!

In this season of Thanksgiving, there are many things for which I am grateful. I specifically want to share my gratitude for the following:

  • Our talented group of InCheck employees, who live out our purpose to serve others, providing our customers, their candidates, and each other with what we like to call โ€œunrivaled experiences.โ€ I see the dedication of our team members every day and I am deeply grateful for their commitment to making every touchpoint and experience the best it can be. The positive feedback we receive from our clients and partners is a reminder of the impact our work has on others.
  • Our newly formed executive leadership team, who I have come to view as a personal board of directors I can lean on for support and guidance. This team is so well-equipped to lead in their respective areas, develop their teams, and support InCheckโ€™s growth. It is an honor to lead alongside them.
  • Our growing brand and national footprint, which presents an opportunity to serve more organizations and individuals. This year alone, weโ€™ve onboarded over 100 new clients and are grateful for them putting their trust in InCheck.
  • Our clients, who continue to trust InCheck as a partner in background screening. With over 20 years of experience in the screening industry, we appreciate having so many long-term relationships with our clients.
  • Our external partners, including Outward Focus, The Way Out, and Islands of Brilliance, who provide us with coaching and learning opportunities, as well as collaborative opportunities to help us grow our brand and serve more clients.
  • Our verification and criminal record research vendors, who help us to deliver reliable and accurate results to our clients every day.
  • And on a personal level, I am grateful for the love and support of my family and friends. Especially as theyโ€™ve supported me in the recent journey of becoming CEO and soon, a mother.

After nearly 10 years with InCheck, I am grateful to work with such incredible people. I am continually inspired by the innovation, creativity, work ethic, and collaboration that permeate every department within our company. I am also grateful to work for an organization that supports the delicate balance between professional endeavors and personal well-being.

I recently came across a post online by author Gregory McKeown, which depicted the lifecycle of a father raising a son from infancy through adulthood, then through the son caring for the father in his old age, and lastly the son visiting his fatherโ€™s grave. The accompanying description stated, โ€œAs we go into this week of thanksgiving, this is worth remembering. True wealth is not owning a lot of things, itโ€™s about owning your time. Everything changes when you discover the source of true wealth.โ€

This is an incredible reminder that time is finite and so precious. The ability to dictate how we spend our days, to prioritize what truly matters to us, and to savor moments of joy and fulfillment are true indicators of wealth. For each of us, how we choose to spend our time, what fills our cups and truly matters, will look different. At InCheck, we support these different and varied interests. We cultivate a culture that values not only the work we do but also the lives we lead outside of InCheck.

I hope you all enjoy some well-deserved time off this holiday season. Whether you spend quality time with loved ones or enjoy some quiet reflective time to yourself, itโ€™s an opportunity to recharge for the exciting year that lies ahead.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones!
With sincere gratitude,
Rachel Morafcik

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